
Monday, May 5, 2014

'Me' time

It's my second (and last) week of having a childless day in... Oh I don't know... 10 months! 

The kids are with a fabulous carer who they adore after a single week. Noosh loves anyone who will craft with her and Tad loves to be with his sister... Wee Gump however struggled last week (bless her) and their carer ended up calling me and asking me to come back to settle her. She's at that age that she just wants her mumma... And I must admit.... I'm good with that!

But moments like now sitting in a cafe with a coffee and silence are very rare so I am basking in this moment.

Next week I start work... An hour away and I'm feeling positive.  This move to our little seaside village is good. Hubby and I have room to breathe and to be a family.

Monday, October 28, 2013


It's been many months since I've been here but the reason I started this blog has not changed.  We are away from family and close friends and our cherubs are growing, making us chuckle, assisting in adding to our grey hairs and we miss having 'kin' around!

3 months and 28 days ago we welcomed our Bubba Gump into the world. (Isn't she gorgeous?)

As our time in Cairns comes to an end and we explore other opportunities I will endeavour to keep you posted on what those opportunities might be (yip we're totally in the dark about where and what we're doing come December 20).

Our gorgeous Noosh is growing so quickly. She is so intelligent and I sometimes catch my breath and slowly exhale as I think how can she been nearly 4!

Tad is all boy... In a matter of months he has broken the cartilage in his ear, chipped his 2 front teeth (fortunately baby ones) and permanently has a scape, bruise or graze somewhere on his body! But he is delicious. My baby boy is 2 and growing just as quickly as his older sister!

Both Noosh and Tad ADORE Gump... Just adore! They fight to give kisses and huggles.  I am so proud of them welcoming this little person into their world.

So that makes up life with us... A teaser as I have decided no more excuses! I'll be back... A little sooner than last time I suspect! 
